Today’s post is brought to you by Recapture Self Community Manager, Jen Doolittle Every Friday, we ask our Recapture Self Community to share one of their recent photos on our Facebook page. It’s one of…
That time we had our best Christmas photo shoot ever, at Target.

I was determined to cut down a real tree this year. It’s been a dream of mine since getting married to take part in this classic tradition. (I grew up Jewish so naturally I want…
Awake Living: A Conversation with Shawn Fink
Today I’m chatting with Shawn Fink a writer and family wellness coach for the The Abundant Mama Project, an online community that offers eCourses and other resources for busy moms who want to live a…
5 Ways To Support Resilience in Children & in YOU Too!
Last week our family was posed with an emotional parenting challenge – how do you support resilience in children while supporting it in yourself too? It was supposed to be the most epic birthday ever. A…
Happy Holiday Wishes
Photo credit: Clover Creek Photography Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my life and my business this year. I’m grateful to get to work with such amazing people…
20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Blog Tag
Photo Credit: Lauren Guilford Photography This blog post is part of the ’20 Things You Might Not Know About Me’ Blog Tag started by April from Blacksburg Belle. She began this blog tag experiment to…
Every home should have this, does yours?
Yesterday I posted a very interesting question on Facebook, and I must admit I’m a little surprised by the answers. For those who missed it, I asked… “What’s your favorite way to display images in…
How to be happy in 2014
Image credit: All images courtesy of Ali Caudill Photography It’s December 28th. I’m sitting in my favorite coffee shop pounding away at the keys working through my latest course materials. I make small talk with…
Conquering the “I’m not good enough” mommy mindset
“I am not good enough for this.” The teacher approached me, wearing wrinkled brows and serious lips. I knew the news was not going to be good. I was already an anxious mess over our…
Families that photograph together stay together
If you do any sort of regular check in with the mainstream news media, you probably know the Washington DC area has been in the news quite a bit in the last week with a…